The value of amulets from beads

Many seamstresses dedicate their free hours to beading. And indeed, you can get masterpieces of incredible beauty from tiny, multicolored beads.

But few think about the fact that amulets made of beads provide strong protection against external harmful effects, including the magical environment.

Beaded jewelry is a real talisman

pearl pendant as an amulet of fortune

Until now, ignorant people believe that every piece of jewelry one puts on is just a manifestation of good taste and a reflection of style. But even our ancestors knew about the immense power of the magical gizmos and used them for their intended purpose.

Beads are rightly considered a mystical instrument whose main effect is color. Each shade has its own sacred meaning, and the color combination has a powerful effect.

It is enough to know the interpretation of the main color scheme to change life at your own discretion using different schemes and color schemes. Moreover, embroidery or beading will remain a nice bauble for others, but its owner will have real protection and support.

Best of all, you don’t need a high level of beading skills to make a beaded amulet yourself. It is enough to use the scheme, you have the necessary little beads and certain skills to get an effective amulet for yourself and your loved ones. You can and should decorate an apartment, workplace, clothes with beaded products. The key is to understand the meaning of each color.

The meaning of colors

Beaded amulets are traditionally made of pearls of the seven basic colors of the rainbow, as well as white and black products. In fact, these nine colors are at the heart of pure color magic, and by learning the basics, you can harmonize your life by removing all the unnecessary and negative from it.

  1. Red symbolizes the energy of love and feelings. The magic of red beads helps you find your love, harmonize relationships, and gain confidence.
  2. Orange nourishes vitality from nature itself. If you need urgent, though invisible, support for all natural elements, feel free to wear an amulet with orange beads.
  3. Yellow is the color of victory. It gives the owner good luck in business, in the game and in life in general.
  4. Green symbolizes physical strength and especially health. A talisman made of green beads can be worn if you want to lose weight, get rid of a disease quickly, or improve your health in general.
  5. Blue conveys inner peace and harmony in ourselves and in the house. It gives knowledge, it expands its horizon.
  6. Blue is used when the question concerns children. This color works best with children’s beaded amulets. In addition, children and parents themselves can wear it. If you don’t have kids yet, the talisman of this color will help them.
  7. Purple is related to work, finance, career. It helps a lot in finding the desired position, ensuring the success of transactions.
  8. White is a ritual color and is ideal for certain purposes (such as objects used in magic). It helps to accumulate the cosmos's own strength and energies.
  9. Black symbolizes wisdom, the cessation of thoughts, the spiritual search. It also indicates that a person is at the beginning of a journey.

Of course, you don’t have to weave all the colors into one product. At least it will be ugly and ineffective.

Important! To achieve maximum payback, experienced wizards who understand a lot about magic recommend using up to 3-4 colors at a time.

Our ancestors were especially adept at making all kinds of amulets. Most interestingly, even in ancient times, women adorned themselves much more magnificently and more often. However, this was not necessary to look better, but to protect their own energy, which is by definition more vulnerable than that of men.

From here, all kinds of jewelry and jewelry appeared in huge quantities, so there is plenty to choose from. You can make almost anything from beads, and if you want, it will be a reliable amulet.

A string of pearls

with comb beads as a charms of fortune

The various pendants are considered to be the simplest defense amulet. Its essence is that the pendants emit a sound that is barely perceptible to the human ear, even in the slightest movement, which is nevertheless audible to extraterrestrial beings. The pendants can be attached to brooches, earrings, belts, caps and women's handbags.

A comb for holding hair is a particularly effective beaded amulet. The glamorous combs can also be used in magical actions. For example, combing a sick person helps to cure the disease, energizes it. For decoration, it is better to choose bone or wood combs with seven teeth. This form also provides protection against disease, the evil eye and old age.

Ancient colt or temple rings have now been transformed into more practical headbands and hoops. It is enough to buy an ordinary product in a store, decorate it with pearls with your own hands, and now the strongest Slavic amulet is ready.

Even today, a beautiful piece of jewelry in the shape of a wide necklace covering most of the chest is especially popular. They used to be called moons, but even today the power of the moon helps to gain protection against all manifestations of evil spirits and otherworldly power.

Talismans for women and men

bracelet as an amulet of fortune

You can make earrings and a ring from beads by hand. The use of special symbols and signs in these products brings prosperity, fertility and stability to life. An exclusive beaded amulet can be a wrist bracelet. In addition, such products can be worn by both women and men, depending on their appearance. The most important thing is to choose a system that will help bring to life what you want.

As already mentioned, men need less protection, but beautiful beaded amulets have been invented for them. These are especially bracelets and various ornaments that are now firmly established in youth fashion. For the older generation, homemade cufflinks and tie pins are suitable. In extreme cases, the amulet can be hidden in a briefcase, purse, left in the car, at work, or stored at home.

Process characteristics

How to make Slavic amulets from beads? The magical arts have specific guidelines for this. Knowledgeable people make beading a real ritual with the right qualities, mood and spells. You can do this more easily at home.

Important: When making a talisman, clearly imagine what person or purpose you are doing it for.

The required energy was automatically injected into the amulet, filled with strength, intention and mood.

If the beaded amulet is torn for any reason, do not attempt to restore its original shape. This is a sign that the defensive talisman has done its thing. Everything left of it must be collected, buried in the ground, or thrown into a pond. And be sure to thank the little thing for its faithful service.